Wicking beds

The Wicking - Gbiota bed story


The battle of an innovator to change the global food system

I have decided to write a book about how we need to change our food industry.

Twenty years ago I pioneered Wicking beds and gave them their name. They went totally viral on the internet and are widely used across the globe, but unfortunately with much technical misinformation.

I am hoping that there are people reading this message who may have pictures of their Wicking beds and be willing to tell the story of how they learned about Wicking Beds and their experiences which I could use in my book.

Since those early days I have focused on modifying the Wicking Bed system to grow gut food, natural pre and pro biotics. I call these Gbiota beds.

We know our guts control our appetite, manufacture many of the chemicals we need to replace our body parts as they age and host much of our immune system, a cheap and convenient way of increasing health span - but they need to be fed. Gbiota beds are a low cost way of growing natural gut food, breeding beneficial biology in organic waste - a sustainable way of growing our food.

After the success of Wicking beds on the internet it was expected that this message would go viral on the internet. But not so.

People are fed up with the internet being used as a high pressure sales system using manipulating data to create false impressions for profit. (Lying)

The internet has changed from being one of the greatest sources of information for the public to a massive high pressure selling machine, a hot bed of manipulation of the truth with very skilful psychological advertising collecting our personal information and selling this to monopolistic mega corporations.

How has the internet changed from such a major social service to its current state and what does this mean for the future of humanity as technology, particularly artificial intelligence (spying) leaps ahead?

This is the story I want to tell about the food we all need to eat so I ask if you have pictures, information or views and comments that you pass them on to me.

I have created a special email for this project colin@gbiota.com

Please understand that I will assume that by providing this information that you are giving me permission to use it unless you specifically indicate that this is private for my use only.

Thank you for your cooperation

Colin Austin

More details www.gbiota.com


Watch our latest videos at www.gbiota.com/videos

Soils for Wicking Beds

I have made two videos, Greta Foodberg - where are you?


which is short 1 min 38 secs and shows how we can change the world

and What food crisis - preview


which gets down to the nitty gritty and hence is much longer, over 26 mins but explains the technology of how to grow food which will keep us healthy.


Join the Gbiota club

There's real food and fake food.

Real food used to be for the fringe dwellers but the virus has meant that there is a boom in people wanting a healthy gut and strong immune system.

The Gbiota club is where people go to learn about, share, grow, buy and eat real food.

Why not join - it's free - just go to www.gbiota.com


 The Corona virus is not some random and isolated disaster. It is the inevitable outcome of small farmers struggling against the might of big food and trying to make a living by the uncontrolled selling of wild animals.

This need to be a warning for us all. We need to change our food system to avoid yet more unpredicted disasters.


The thousands of deaths, bad as they may be, are still relatively small in comparison with the millions of premature deaths from diabetes, obesity and dementia which are routine in our Western food system and which stems from the view that profits of the mega corporations and their shareholders take precedence over the health of the people.

The Gbiota club is a group of people who believe that peoples health should be the priority and is a combination of technology and a social movement.


The technology is simple, just a way of growing food in nutrient rich biologically active soil which enhances our gut biota (Gbiota).

 The social movements says that the priority with food should be our health and not corporate profits. Club members can be consumers or growers.


Gbiota consumers want to buy food where the priority is their health and are fully prepared to pay a fair price to growers.

Gbiota growers commit to enhancing their soil to grow healthy food in a sustainable way and expect to receive a fair reward for their services.

So read my web then email me at colinaustin@bigpond.com and become a grower or consumer or just show support for the movement.

To read the full story goto www.gbiota.com

See our new site www.gbiota.com

This site has been focused on Wicking Beds providing an overview of the various types of bed.

However the development of the external water reservoir working on a flood and drain system powered by a solar panel has made the traditional wicking bed almost obsolete apart from very small beds. Please see our latest website www.gbiota.com for the latest technology.

The flushing action means their is no danger of the water going putrid as can happen in a conventional wicking bed while using a compost tea increases the biological activity which can have a profound influence on human gut biology which is critical for long term health.

These are refered to as Gbiota beds because of the beneficial affect on Gut Biology.
The original review is still available here.

Gbiota beds are clearly a superior technology. This has led to the health from food project which is described in various YouTube videos, on sister web site www.waterright.com.au and will shortly be further described in the forthcoming web www.pickandeat.shop.

For further information you can email me a colinaustin@bigpond.com